Code Name Verity Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Date.Paragraph) or (Part.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And of course—I am willing to play. How did he know? How did he know from the start, even before I told him? That I am always willing to play, addicted to the Great Game? (1.17.XI.43.15)

And just like that, perseverance gets Julie into trouble. She just doesn't know when to quit. However, it helps her out, too, enabling her to keep fighting when she's down.

Quote #2

9) Not being able to finish my story.

10) Also of finishing it. (1.18.XI.43.15-16)

Julie needs to finish that story because she knows, though the reader doesn't yet, that Anna Engel needs the whole thing to deliver to the Resistance in order to give them the information they need. Julie also knows, though, that when the story ends—when she has nothing more to give her captors—she'll be shipped off to a concentration camp.

Quote #3

It is six weeks today since I landed here. I suppose that's quite a good innings for a wireless operator, though my success at staying alive for so long would carry more weight if I'd actually managed to set up a radio before I was caught. Now I really am living on borrowed time. Not much more to tell. (1.23.XI.43.16)

Julie is still pretending to the Gestapo that she's in France as a wireless operator, but the key thing to note about this passage is the way the pacing picks up. We get the sense that everything really is coming to an end… and fast.