Code Talker Theme of Identity

Who am I? Where do I belong? Where's my home? Chances are, we all ask ourselves these questions at some point in our lives.

But if we're Navajo, we're probably asking ourselves these questions all the time. Is being Navajo the same thing as being American, especially when you're not allowed to vote in US elections until 1947? Why is there so much conflict between Navajo and Anglo culture? Is there a way to reconcile these two conflicting identities? These are the types of questions that our narrator, Chester Nez, asks himself over and over again in Code Talker.

Questions About Identity

  1. In what ways does the war force Chester to compromise some of his Navajo customs and beliefs?
  2. Does Chester successfully reconcile his Navajo and his Anglo cultures? In what ways does he manage to do so?
  3. Does Chester's education in the boarding schools affect his attitude toward his Navajo culture? In what ways?
  4. What role does storytelling play in Navajo culture and identity? Why is this role important?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Chester is a victim of the culture clash between his Navajo and Anglo cultures. Discuss.

Chester's dual cultures are a blessing. He gains a lot from having access to both cultures. Discuss.