Code Talker Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Always remember, you are defending both your country and your families. The Japanese attacked your land, your home. And now you will make your country proud." (1.30)

The words of a senior officer before the invasion of Guadalcanal emphasizes the fact that Chester and his buddies will only win their country's esteem if they carry out their duty with courage.

Quote #2

Our ability to stay calm in the face of pressure, to think clearly under stress, had reaped rewards. We were Marines! (9.11)

Chester and the code talkers have gone through boot camp. They've proven that they have the skills and the courage to be Marines.

Quote #3

The intense training had built up our confidence. By the end of basic training, I felt satisfied that I had learned everything I needed to know to stay alive in combat. (9.71)

Chester's feeling good about taking on the enemy. He's full of confidence. He'll need confidence, considering the seriously dangerous situations he'll find himself in.