The Color Purple Letter Eighty-Two Summary

  • Celie writes to Nettie to let her know that their "Pa," Alphonso, is dead. He died in his sleep.
  • Pa’s teenage bride, Daisy, phones to let Celie know that she and Nettie are actually the owners of Pa’s house and store. Apparently, Pa never owned the house or store, it belonged to Celie’s real father, who left it to Celie’s mom, and Celie’s mom left the property to Celie and Nettie when she died; a fact that Pa unsurprisingly failed to tell the girls about.
  • Celie says she doesn’t want anything that belonged to Pa, but Shug talks some sense into her. Shug points out that Celie could use the convenience store as clothing store to sell her pants.
  • Shug and Celie go check the property out. As they’re driving into town, they come across the cemetery, which now has a huge gravemarker for Pa.
  • Pa’s headstone has a bunch of lies on it, stuff like "Upright husband and father" and "Kind to the poor and helpless." Right.
  • The house that Celie grew up in was torn down, so the house she inherits is a nice, newly built one.
  • Celie gets the keys to the house and is so excited to finally have her own place. Well, a house for herself, Nettie, and Nettie’s family.