Come Sleep! Oh Sleep Analysis

Symbols, Imagery, Wordplay

Form and Meter

Like so many poems in English, this one is written in iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter is very common, and you can read what Shmoop has to say about it right here. If you don't feel like doing...


The speaker of this poem is a little dude named Astrophel. He's a very gifted poet (as you no doubt can tell), and he really wants this girl named Stella. The problem is she doesn't want him; in fa...


We're gonna go ahead and say this poem takes place in a bedroom somewhere—you know, pillows, a bed, "a chamber deaf to noise"? It sure sounds like somebody's sleeping quarters to us, and not just...

Sound Check

There's a part in Romeo and Juliet where Juliet appears at her window while Romeo is below. When he sees her, he starts addressing her: "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It i...

What's Up With the Title?

"Come Sleep! O Sleep" is a pretty straightforward little title. The title encapsulates the two most obvious aspects of this poem. First, the speaker is really tired and wants to sleep. This is why...

Calling Card

If you're ever given an exam where you are required to identity the author of a poem, with no information other than the poem itself, and that poem contains the name "Stella," there's a 99.9999% ch...


We won't lie to you (never, Shmoopers): Sidney can be tough going. "Come Sleep! O Sleep" is no exception. The continuous adding of clauses in lines 1-4 can be overwhelming at times, as can some of...


It would be pretty cool to say your godfather was a king, right? Sir Philip Sidney's godfather was Philip II of Spain (hence the name Philip). (Source.)Sir Philip Sidney was really, really old when...

Steaminess Rating

While some of the other sonnets in Astrophel and Stella can get pretty sexual and steamy, "Come Sleep! O Sleep" is pretty clean. Most of the poem is about suffering and despair (pretty unsexy) and...


Geoffrey Chaucer, The Book of the Duchess (9-14) Lady Penelope Devereux (perhaps) (14)