The Comedy of Errors Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Line numbers correspond to the Riverside edition.

Quote #10

Faith, stay here this night. They
will surely do us no harm; you saw they speak us
fair, give us gold. Methinks they are such a gentle
nation that, but for the mountain of mad flesh that
claims marriage of me, could find in my heart to
stay here still, and turn witch. (4.4.162-167)

It seems S. Dromio would happily "go native," even if it means forgetting himself. S. Antipholus, by contrast, would rather not be one of these crazy enchanted people, even if it means passing up the opportunity to have a definite identity (as a crazy enchanted person).

Quote #11

Nay, then, thus:
We came into the world like brother and brother,
And now let's go hand in hand, not one before
   another. (5.1.438-441)

The Dromios seem to set the stage for what will happen after the play; having identified their other halves, they have a lot to learn about each other. It seems that though the confusion isn’t over, the fun and discoveries have only just begun.