Common Sense Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

As to religion, I hold it to be the indispensable duty of all government, to protect all conscientious professors thereof. (4.21)

For Paine, it is the responsibility of government to protect anyone wishing to practice a certain religion. At this time in history, though, Britain was doing just the opposite.

Quote #8

For myself, I fully and conscientiously believe, that it is the will of the Almighty, that there should be diversity of religious opinions among us: It affords a larger field for our Christian kindness. (4.21)

Thomas Paine believes that only good will come from having lots of different people practice different religions in America. This will help people keep open minds and become more accepting toward other people, which are core values of Christianity.

Quote #9

The king and his worthless adherents are got at their old game of dividing the Continent, and there are not wanting among us, Printers, who will be busy in spreading falsehoods. (A.17)

For Paine, there is no person in the world who's a bigger insult to God than the King of England. This is because the King goes around posing as a god himself, demanding that everybody worship and respect him when he's done nothing to earn it.