Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

After favouring my wishes for thirty years, for the next thirty fate opposed them. (7.1.3)

If Rousseau's right, someone up there has a knack for symmetry.

Quote #2

Whilst I was philosophizing on the duties of man an event occurred which made me reflect more deeply upon my own. (8.2.2)

Every time Rousseau wades in too deep with philosophy, a personal event pulls him back to center.

Quote #3

[…] I have often blessed Heaven for having thus safeguarded them from their father's fate, and from that which would have overtaken them at the moment when I should have been compelled to abandon them. (8.2.3)

Say what? Rousseau sees abandoning his children as a form of protection. He's no Father of the Year.