Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

His long, thin shape and his little face like a wrinkled apple, his soft expression and slovenly gait, incited the children to make fun of him. (1.2.40)

Rousseau's cousin Bernard isn't exactly the most attractive, but Rousseau is fascinated with what makes up an interesting face.

Quote #2

Mlle du Chatelet was neither young nor pretty, but she had charm. (4.2.77)

What's "charm," anyhow? It sounds like this elusive quality is exactly what Rousseau values the most.

Quote #3

Their women are handsome yet stand in need of no beauty; they have every quality that gives beauty a value, and may even supply its place. (5.1.21)

For Rousseau, beauty is simplicity. There's no need for hoop-skirts and hoopla.