Corduroy Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Corduroy? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Question 1: Corduroy's journey can be interpreted as a quest for:

the perfect nachos
Q. Why is the theme of luxury vs. simplicity important to discuss in this story?

Lisa lives in a luxurious apartment
Don Freeman said so in a letter to his editor.
It plays a role in the twist ending, in which Corduroy detests Lisa's simple room décor and demands to be returned to his life of luxury.
The ideas of luxury and simplicity have changed a great deal since Corduroy was published.
Q. When faced with new situations, Corduroy reacts with:

Q. Which of the following ideas is not communicated through the illustrations?

The night watchman is Lisa's father.
Eye contact symbolizes the connection Corduroy is missing in the department store.
The colors in Lisa's room suggest that Corduroy has found his permanent home.
The department store is large and overwhelming.
Q. Which of the following options would not be an accurate moral of the story?

Even if things don't go according to plan, it will all work out in the end.
Never stay overnight in a department store.
You don't need to change yourself to be worthy of love.
Using your imagination can help you overcome new circumstances.