Corinthians Figures

Meet the Cast

Paul of Tarsus

Wait a second. We thought the New Testament was all about Jesus. But 15 of the 27 New Testament books are said to be written by or about Paul—so how about them apples, Jesus?And in Corinthians, P...

The Corinthians

The Corinthians sure get lots of screen time in the Bible, but just who were they? And why does Paul spend so much time writing letters to their little neck of the woods?The Corinth of OldAncient C...

The False Apostles

These guys are bad news… at least according to Paul. To him, they're just walking around the church undoing all the good and holy work he's done. Hey, Paul was here first, guys!Minor Bad GuysThis...

Jesus Christ

Get this: Paul never actually met Jesus while he was alive. But that didn't stop him from becoming the numero uno authority on his life and death. Go figure.Not Another GospelPaul's Jesus is pretty...


This dude is Paul's companion. A co-disciple. His bosom buddy.Timothy is mentioned several times throughout Paul's letters so it's clear that the two men had a long working relationship. They first...


Another one of Paul's cohorts, Titus, is hanging around Corinth being a disciple and generally defending Paul's good name.In the first part of 2 Corinthians, it's Titus who delivers to good news th...

Aquila and Prisca

Aquila and Prisca are Paul's husband-wife disciple team. You know, his go-to couple for all things godly.The two first appear in Acts when Paul meets them on his first trip to Corinth. Though the c...


This guy is sort of a rival apostle to Paul in Corinth, though Paul doesn't really see things that way. He's still top dog in his—and God's—eyes.In 1 Corinthians, Paul is pretty distressed at a...


Though Paul calls this disciple Cephas, he's probably better known as Peter (John 1:42). As in Simon Peter. Jesus' right-hand man. Yeah, that guy.Paul mentions him briefly in the same breath as Apo...

The Offending Brother

This poor guy doesn't even get a name, but he does get a heaping helping of scorn from Paul.It seems that on Paul's second visit to Corinth—which he calls the "painful visit"—a fight breaks out...


Sosthenes gets a tiny shout-out at the beginning of 1 Corinthians. Like he did with Timothy, Paul claims Sosthenes as a co-author for 1 Corinthians. Paul doesn't spend as much time referring to "we...