The Count of Monte Cristo Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Villefort gave a bitter smile and said, in response more to his own thoughts than to Mme Danglars' words: "So it is true that every one of our actions leaves some trace on our past, either dark or bright. So it is true that every step we take is more like a reptile's progress across the sand, leaving a track behind it. And often, alas, the track is the mark of our tears!" (67.9)

Though he talks of all actions leaving a trace, it's the darker ones, the ones that stand out, like infractions written out on your permanent record.

Quote #5

Haydée let fall her arms, groaning and looking at the count as though to ask if he was satisfied with her obedience. He got up, came across to her, took her hand and said to her in Romaic: "Rest, my dear child, and console yourself with the thought that there is a God to punish traitors." (77.252)

Monte Cristo portrays God as a justice, judging the actions of men directly.

Quote #6

"and Ali, lying in his tomb, left the traitor unpunished, but I, who have also been betrayed, assassinated and cast into a tomb, I have emerged from that tomb by the grace of God and I owe it to God to take my revenge. He sent me for that purpose. Here I am." (89.43)

Here, though, Monte Cristo tells Mercédès that God requires someone to do his will, and that he is that man.