The Crystal Cave Book Five, Chapter 8 Summary

  • Merlin waits in a room in Tintagel for Uther to finish the deed with Ygraine. He has a fire in the room, which is really all he needs to have a vision, right?
  • Merlin sees Ygraine's servant woman, Marcia, coming down the stairs of the castle carrying a baby. Marcia's crying, because she knows she has to give the baby away.
  • When Merlin snaps out of the vision, he senses death somewhere in all of it, but he can't see where. It freaks him out.
  • Merlin goes outside to get a breath of fresh air, and lo and behold—there's the king-star again. But this time, it's a happy, new star—not the dying star he'd seen at Ambrosius' death.
  • Merlin stays out there all night to watch the progress of the star.