The Queen Timeline and Summary


The Queen Timeline and Summary

  • 1.2: The Queen promises Imogen that she won't be the typical evil stepmother. Psych. Then she tells us that in reality, she's against Imogen all the way. She wants her new stepdaughter to marry her son Cloten instead of Posthumus.
  • 1.7: Still at work against Imogen, the Queen has asked her doctor to draw up a potion to kill Pisanio. She figures that with her servant out of the way, Imogen will be less likely to burn the candle for Posthumus.
  • 2.3: Even though she only appears briefly, the Queen makes an impact. She tells Cloten to keep wooing Imogen, rain or shine.
  • 3.1: Cymbeline, the Queen, Cloten, and some lords meet with Lucius and his posse, and it's not good news. Rome wants Britain to pay up. The Queen and Cloten say no way, José, and Cymbeline follows their lead.
  • 3.5: Cymbeline and the Queen meet with Lucius again. This time, Lucius says he's got no other choice but to declare war on Britain. Cymbeline is sad to hear it, but what can he do? The Queen is in charge now. Let the war begin.
  • 4.3: The Queen doesn't appear on stage, but we hear she's sick. It's probably just because Cloten's run off, says Cymbeline. We're not so sure.
  • 5.5: It turns out that the Queen has died, but we're not crying. Cornelius reports the news to the king, along with a list of deathbed confessions. Among them: she totally tried to poison the princess and the king and then take the crown for herself.