Cymbeline, King of Britain Resources


Based on a True Story

PBS uncovers the truth behind Cymbeline.

Early Reviews

What did Shakespeare's audiences think of Cymbeline? Find out by reading this take on a 1611 performance.


Shakespeare Goes Modern

Ethan Hawke and Michael Almereyda team up for a modern take on Shakespeare's romance. Also starring Pen Dadgley, Dakota Johnson, and Ed Harris.

BBC Knows Best

The Queen herself—Helen Mirren, that is—plays the beautiful Imogen in this 80's version of the play.

Black and White and Watched All Over

This silent black and white 22-minute film comes from 19-freaking-13.


Shakespeare Sisterhood

Henriette Palmer discusses Imogen's virtue and her status among other Shakespearean heroines.

Renaissance Woman

An essay on the perils of women in Cymbeline.

Shakespeare Never Reveals a Source

But we do. Shakespeare used Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio as a source for some of his plot.


Forgiveness and Tolerance

A commentary on the themes of forgiveness in Cymbeline, from Cloten's perspective.

Homeward Bound

Director Antoni Cimolino's take on the play, based on his experience directing it at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival.

Flyin' Like an Eagle

If you wondered what was up with Jupiter's entrance on an eagle, check out this video about the props used for one production.


Listen Up

A full audio version of Cymbeline, recorded by Librivox.

Cymbeline the... Song?

Actually, Cymbeline has such famous songs that it's no surprise somebody set one to music. Check out Loreena McKennitt's version here.


Princess Warrior

Who wouldn't root for this sword-wielding heroine after seeing this image?

Tragedy or Comedy?

Shakespeare's fellow actors and friends labeled the play a "tragedy" with its first printing.

A Stolen Glance

Iachimo got an eyeful when he snuck out of the trunk in Imogen's bedchamber.