Daisy Miller Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Mrs. Costello was a widow with a fortune; a person of much distinction, who frequently intimated that, if she were not so dreadfully liable to sick headaches, she would probably have left a deeper impress upon her time. (1.99)

The world is just too much for this old broad. She needs a little lie-down.

Quote #5

"Well, I hope you know enough!" she said to her companion, after he had told her the history of the unhappy Bonivard. "I never saw a man that knew so much!" (1.251)

Daisy delivers the surprising knowledge bomb that sometimes too much knowledge is a bad thing. You can know a lot about literature, but if that knowledge prevents you from living your life, a la Winterbourne, it's worse than useless.

Quote #6

The young man asked Mrs. Miller how she was pleased with Rome. "Well, I must say I am disappointed," she answered. "We had heard so much about it; I suppose we had heard too much. But we couldn't help that. We had been led to expect something different." (2.27)

Listen, Mrs. Miller: If you let yourself get disappointed every time something is different than what you're expecting, you're in for a sad, sad ride.