Dandelion Wine Themes

Dandelion Wine Themes

Life, Consciousness, and Existence

At the heart of Dandelion Wine is Douglas's realization that he's alive. Unfortunately for our sweet little emo narrator, he comes to this realization during a summer when a bunch of people die, wh...


In Dandelion Wine, Green Town's full of death, which is a pretty rotten deal for a kid who's just become aware of his own mortality (we're looking at you, Doug). But with the exception of Elizabeth...

Memory and the Past

Dandelion Wine starts at the beginning of summer 1928 and ends at, well, summer's end. This book is Bradbury's childhood nostalgia trip, and summer lends itself well to happy childhood memories. Su...


Bradbury pulls kind of a fast one over on readers in Dandelion Wine. If you've read his other work, and someone tells you this one is about time travel, you may very well go into it expecting alien...


Have you ever thought about the fact that the less you know, the happier you are? There's a lot of truth to the saying ignorance is bliss. Doug has to search long and hard to find happiness again a...

Coming of Age

In a lot of ways, Dandelion Wine is vindication for any kid who ever thought their parents (or grandparents, or anyone more than half a decade older) didn't understand them. Doug goes so far as to...

Technology and Modernization

It was no great secret that Bradbury was skeptical of technology, and that skepticism shows through in Dandelion Wine. Remember that this book was written in the 1950s, when people were terrified o...


Dandelion Wine is a book in which grandchildren live next door to their grandparents, who run a boarding house in which their great-grandmother is a tenant, so you can probably guess that family's...