Daughter of Smoke & Bone Theme of Appearances

Appearances lead to a lot of good-for-nothin' trouble in Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Different appearances seem to be one of the driving factors behind the chimaera-seraphim war, for example. And they cause prejudice within different types of chimaera. What is with people (or people-like things) and their tendency to discriminate against others based on their appearances? Yikes. This book seems to have some anti-war social commentary in it, we think. Oh, and then there's all that appearance-driven lust in Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and that trading of bodies that can happen when some chimaera are reincarnated. So we were wondering: beauty may only be skin deep, but what if you're wearing someone else's skin?

Questions About Appearances

  1. Karou is able to alter her appearance with a wish. Why does she choose to have tattoos and blue hair, and what do these choices say about her?
  2. To Karou and Zuzana, what is the definition of ideal beauty? Are any of this book's characters beautiful in a different way?
  3. Why do creature-aspect chimaera want to appear human?