Art & Culture Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Josef and I are starting up a new tour. Old Town vampire tour. The tourists will eat it up." (1.16)

Performance art is a big part of both Kazimir and Zuzana's lives. Why isn't Karou as into it as they are?

Quote #2

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Karou's first class was life drawing. (2.1)

Karou doesn't just draw as a hobby; she's going to school for it. It was either that or a degree in Black Market Economics, and those classes were filled up. Just kidding.

Quote #3

Karou's sketchbooks had a cult following around school and were handed around and marveled at on a daily basis. (2.15)

As we see here, Karou's specialty in art is drawing. Do you think it's possible that the subjects of some real-life fantastical art pieces are also real—just like in Daughter of Smoke and Bone?