David Hume

David Hume Gossip

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David Hume never married, but that doesn't mean he was completely unfamiliar with the ladies. Au contraire. He didn't always make the wisest choices, though. For example, he had a thing with a certain Marie-Charlotte Hippolyte de Campet de Saujon, Comtesse de Boufflers. There were several problems here, and not just with remembering her name. For one thing, Mme Boufflers was already married—and to a Count, no less. For another thing, Mme Boufflers was also someone else's mistress—and that someone else was a Prince. Sorry, Hume. (Source.)

The lack of a wife did not stop Hume from fathering the occasional child. Okay, it was only one child. And it was an accusation that was never proven. In any case, Hume left Scotland before the child was born and the woman, Agnes Galbraith, appeared in sackcloth. (Source.)

Hume's first book, A Treatise of Human Nature, received little attention when it was first published. The few reviews that did come out panned it. Hume famously declared that the book "fell dead-born from the press." (Source.)

Finally, though, in 1740 an anonymous writer published a positive, and very detailed account of that very Treatise of Human Nature. Who was this writer? It turns out very likely to have been none other than David Hume. As they say, the only way to be sure a job gets done right is to do it yourself. (Source.)

Hume's reputation was slow to develop, especially in the English-speaking world. And that bugged him; it really, really bugged him. But Hume decided that was his audience's problem: he declared that "the banks of the Thames" were "inhabited by barbarians." Barbarians are known to have the worst taste in philosophy. (Source.)

Did Hume, the notorious atheist and enemy of religion, repent on his deathbed? James Boswell paid him a visit toward the end, desperately hoping the answer would be "yes." But he found Hume to be more emphatic than ever in his anti-religious views, insisting on the mortality of his own soul. That was just too much for poor Boswell, who claimed to have later been plagued by nightmares about this encounter. (Source.)