Death and the King's Horseman Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Line

Quote #4

Enough, enough, you all have cause
To know me well. But, if you say this earth
Is still the same as gave birth to those songs,
Tell me who was that goddess through whose lips
I saw the ivory pebbles of Oya's river-bed.
Iyaloja, who is she? I saw her enter
Your stall; all your daughters I know well. (1.90)

It seems Elesin can basically just pick out a bride without even having to speak to her or get her consent. However, he still has to get Iyaloja on board with his choice before they can get married. It's an odd mix.

Quote #5

Quite right. Trust a woman to think of that. Come on, let's get going. (2.169)

Jane has just informed Simon about one of the bright sides of their egungun costumes: no need to look for gloves since everything is all sewn on. Simon's response sounds a bit condescending, like he's attributing her comment to some kind of "womanly" logic, but it's really just basic common sense, given that women were expected to wear gloves when meeting royalty—which is exactly what Jane is about to do.

Quote #6

Shut up woman and get your things on. (2.171)

Though you might not be able to tell it from his actual words, Simon is in a good mood and trying to be playful. His wife takes it in that spirit, but it doesn't seem like the most respectful form of play, now does it?