Dicey's Song Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"If you’re going to play with me, you’re going to play by the rules," Gram said. "You’re big enough, aren’t you, to play by the real rules." (1.136)

Appealing to a kid’s desire to seem mature is a pretty smart way of teaching him stuff, or at least of getting him to be slightly less annoying. That is, unless that kid is Dicey, who has no desire to be mature.

Quote #2

Dicey was feeling edgy and not really like herself. Probably, she told herself, it was all these changes that were permanent. (1.163)

Among the things that can make you edgy: waiting to be adopted, missing your mom, trying to keep little kids in line so you won’t get kicked out of your new home, and realizing you can’t wear T-shirts without a bra anymore.

Quote #3

You could even, she realized, have a conflict between somebody and himself: and that was an interesting idea. (2.10)

Maybe Dicey relates to this moment in English class because she's experiencing a bit of a conflict with herself, too. For one, Dicey can see that growing up is good because you can do things like sail off by yourself in a boat. But it’s also pretty awful, what with the bras and boys and stuff. So half of her feels one way, and half of her feels the other.