Dicey's Song Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Dicey stared at the woman, at the heavy mottled flesh of her face. She thought maybe Millie wasn’t very smart at all. She’d never thought of that before. (1.51)

Millie’s been running her grocery store for many years, so it comes as a surprise to Dicey that it’s a struggle for her to do it. Just because someone’s successful at something doesn’t mean they find it easy. And just because someone struggles with reading doesn't mean they're not smart.

Quote #2

Maybeth went right to the battered upright piano and picked out the tune she had been singing in the kitchen. She searched for notes that harmonized with the melody lines. Dicey watched her for a while, trying to figure out how to explain about fractions. (1.133)

Here’s a fun question: how could you explain about fractions using music? There's gotta be a way.

Quote #3

They’d spent the first three weeks on diagramming and now they were going to read some stories. Dicey was sorry the diagramming was finished. She liked the precision of it. Besides, it was easy. (2.2)

Reading comprehension can be a lot more difficult than understanding the mechanics of sentence structure, but when you have both skills, you can create masterpieces. Raise your hand if you think Dicey has the makings of a writer.