Digging Resources


A Smattering of Heaney

This site offers a brief biography of Heaney, recordings to some of his readings, and helpful external links. Dig in!

Heaney in Depth

Check out more details on Heaney's life and work. Shmoop's going to have a Nobel Prize page someday, too. We just know it.

For the Lit Nerds

Here are some links to academic work about Seamus Heaney. Read, learn, and be dorky.


Heaney on "Digging"

Hear what the author himself thinks this poem is about (we should probably trust him). And also, best accent ever.

On Poetry

Check out this awesome interview with Heaney, in which he talks about the writing process. We could all learn a thing or two from a Nobel Prize winner.

Time for a Lecture

Heaney, among other poets, reads and lectures at the Robert Lowell memorial lecture. This is serious stuff.


From the Horse's Mouth

Check out this audio montage of Seamus Heaney reading "Digging." Is this how you pictured it?

Nobel Speech

Here, you can listen to Heaney's acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize. Pretty awesome, huh?


A Peat Bog for Your Viewing Pleasure

Or not – they're kind of ugly.

Potato Drills

They're not really drills at all.

Heaney as a Young Man

Check out the skinny tie!


We wonder what's so funny.

Historical Documents

Nobel Press Release

Here's the press release from the Nobel Committee. In it, you'll find out why exactly our Heaney was awarded the prestigious prize. (Hint: because he's awesome.)