Disgrace Hate Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The boy does not appear to be startled. On the contrary, the boy appears to have been waiting for this moment, storing himself up for it. The voice that issues from his throat is thick with rage.

"Who are you?" he says, but the words mean something else: by what right are you here? His whole body radiates violence. (15.102)

What makes a bad moment even worse for David is that the person he hates with every fiber of his being is so nonchalant about this confrontation. We feel the hate emanating from every hair on David's head, but of course he's trying not to cause a scene at the party, so he can't do what he really wants to do – kick the living daylights out of the boy.

Quote #5

Petrus is a good workman, it is an education to watch him. It is Petrus himself he has begun to dislike. As Petrus drones on about his plans, he grows more and more frosty toward him. He would not wish to be marooned with Petrus on a desert isle. (16.6)

The animosity between David and Petrus is totally personal, at least from David's point of view. For David and Lucy, everything is falling apart. For Petrus, things are coming up roses. Even more than that, Petrus has pretty much ignored all of David's concerns about the attack. Of course David dislikes him.

Quote #6

"It was so personal," she says. "It was done with such personal hatred. That was what stunned me more than anything. The rest was…expected. But why did they hate me so? I had never set eyes on them."

He waits for more, but there is no more, for the moment. "It was history speaking through them," he offers at last. "A history of wrong. Think of it that way, if it helps. It may have seemed personal, but it wasn't. It came down from the ancestors." (18.62-63)

Here, we get two different explanations for the hatred that Lucy felt from the men who raped her. On one hand, she felt it was an extremely personal act. David suggests, though, that it was a remnant of the injustices that existed in South Africa in the past, under which people like Lucy oppressed people like the attackers.