Disgrace Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"No, a boy is better. Except your daughter. Your daughter is different. Your daughter is as good as a boy. Almost!" He laughs at his sally. "Hey, Lucy!"

Lucy smiles, but he knows she is embarrassed. (15.88-89)

Here, Petrus makes an association between Lucy's sexual orientation and her gender. Because she's a lesbian, he argues, she's pretty much as good as a boy. But not quite. Because in case it wasn't clear already, in Petrus's eyes women are inferior to men. And the jerk award goes to…

Quote #11

Yet she too will have to leave, in the long run. As a woman alone on a farm she has no future, that is clear. Even the days of Ettinger, with his guns and barbed wire and alarm systems, are numbered. If Lucy has any sense she will quit before a fate befalls her worse than a fate worse than death. But of course she will not. She is stubborn, and immersed, too, in the life she has chosen. (15.128)

Lucy has already been a victim of sexual assault, and as a woman who lives alone there is no guarantee that the same thing won't happen again. David is now also aware of this danger, and knowing how vulnerable women are in the country makes it hard for him to stop worrying about what might happen to her.