Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

No one really knows what happened, but apparently Stevens once got into a bit of a kerfluffle with Robert Frost on a vacation in Key West. For his part, Stevens was drunk and forgot about it. Frost, on the other hand, gossiped away. (Source.)

After bad reviews of his first collection, published in 1923, Stevens didn't write anything significant until the 1930s. Now that's what we call a slump. (Source.)

Let's bring back the postcard. Stevens would be down. Acquaintance Richard Wilbur recalled, "He thought the postcard was the ideal form, something like the sonnet, in which people could send each other signals without unnecessary pain." (Source.)

During his three-year stint at Harvard, Stevens won all the awards for writing that were offered. All of 'em. (Source.)