Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. What's wrong with white nightgowns? At least, according to our speaker? 
  2. How does this speaker think we can liven up our dreams? And why are our dreams drab in the first place?
  3. Why baboons and periwinkles? Why tigers in red weather? And why does the speaker want all these nightgowns to have rings on them? In other words, what's up with the speaker's choice of images? Is there a pattern going on?
  4. Are we sure that this speaker thinks that dreaming of catching tigers in red weather is a good thing, and that baboon-less dreams are bad things? How do we know?
  5. What's up with the title? We mean, who's disillusioned? And why at 10 o'clock?
  6. Is this problem strictly a suburban one? Or do we all face the boring nightgown conundrum?