The Displaced Person Foreignness and 'the Other' Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

People ought to have to struggle. Mr. Guizac probably had everything given to him all the way across Europe and over here. (2.37)

Mrs. McIntyre ignores the obvious evidence to the contrary. Mr. Guizac is obviously a hard worker. The fact that he is missing half of his teeth suggests that he has seen some hard times indeed. She's just talking to try to justify her own callousness.

Quote #5

"I ain't going there. They might eat me up." (3.54)

Sulk is talking about Africa, in response to Mr. Shortley's suggestion that he "go back to Africa" (3.54). Sadly, Sulk isn't able to explore the rich cultural history of Africa, and has to rely on common stereotypes of Africans as cannibals.