Doctor Zhivago Resources


Pasternak in Black-and-White

This stylish website starts us off with a few awesome quotations and takes off from there. If you want a chic, readable intro to the life of Pasternak, check out this link.

Even though the guy was forced by his home government to decline the Nobel Prize, Pasternak still has a home in the bio section of the Nobel website.

Encyclopedic Pasternak

The folks at the Encyclopedia Britannica have prepared a neat and tidy little bio of Pasternak for your enjoyment. So let's have a cup of tea and take a looksee, shall we?


1965 Film Version

Ask anyone who was around in 1965, and they'll tell you that Doctor Zhivago was one of the biggest movies ever made. It won six Academy Awards and made half the world fall in love with Omar Sharif and Julie Christie, who played Zhivago and Lara.

2002 Film

Yeah, it's got Keira Knightley and British accents and everything (if that's your thing), but most purists will tell you it's not as good as the original.

2006 TV Mini-Series

People just can't seem to get enough of the Zhiv, so in 2006, the Russians released it via a TV mini-series, which might have been the best way to go when you're dealing with a story as long as this one. Stars Oleg Menshikov and Chulpan Khamatova are way popular in Russia.


Pasternak's New York Times Obituary

Not only does this article do a great job of honoring Pasternak, it also gives us a ton of insight into the guy's life.

Interview with Pasternak in The Paris Review

Why not hear it from the horse's mouth? Here's a great interview with big bad Boris himself.

Pasternak's Last Interview

It's not the easiest thing to read, but be sure to check out this article for an insight into Pasternak's mindset during his final days. For a guy who won the Nobel Prize and helped liberate his country, he doesn't come across as the most optimistic of dudes.


Short Bio

Take a look at this YouTube video to find out more about what made Pasternak such an unforgettable writer for millions of people.

Doctor Zhivago 2002 Film

Yup, they've got the whole thing up on YouTube if you'd like to watch.

Clip from Iconic 1965 Film

This film is a really big deal, but also really long. Still, you should watch it if you get the chance.


Doctor Zhivago on Audiobook

Let's hope they gave their readers lots of breaks and plenty of water for reading through this beast of a book out loud.


Dashing Young Man

Just look at those great features.

Intense Thinker

It's hard not to be an independent thinker when you're this intense about everything you hear.

A Determined Man

Pasternak published Doctor Zhivago even though it got him in trouble with the Russian authorities. This doesn't look like the face of a man who likes to back down about that sort of thing.