Dracula Dr. Abraham Van Helsing Quotes

My friend John and I have consulted; and we are about to perform what we call a transfusion of blood—to transfer from full veins of one to the empty veins which pine for him. (10.19)

Blood transfusions were a relatively new procedure in 1897, and believe us, they weren't pleasant operations. The needles doctors used were huge!

Telegram, Van Helsing, Antwerp, to Seward, Carfax (Sent to Carfax, Sussex, as no county given; delivered late by twenty-two hours) (11.56)

Sometimes technologies can fail. Your computer can crash the night before an essay is due, or a telegram can go to the wrong address, resulting in the girl you love being bitten by a vampire.

A year ago which of us would have received such a possibility, in the midst of our scientific, matter-of-fact nineteenth century? (18.42)

Van Helsing and the rest of the Crew of Light have to get over their faith in science and logic—vampires do exist, even "in the midst of our scientific, "matter-of-fact nineteenth century."