Dracula Jonathan Harker Quotes

[…] there was that in his eyes and in his bearing which made me remember that I was a prisoner, and that if I wished it I could have no choice. The Count saw his victory in my bow, and his mastery in the trouble of my face […] (3.15)

Jonathan is powerless in Castle Dracula. Look at the language he uses! He knows that the Count has "master[ed]" him.

I closed my eyes in a languorous ecstasy and waited—waited with beating heart. (3.32)

Even as he's about to be kissed/bitten by the sexy vampire, Jonathan remains passive and still.

The sight seemed to paralyse me […] (4.62)

The very sight of Dracula's face, even as he's sleeping (or whatever it is vampires do), is enough to "paralyse" Jonathan.