Dry September Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"What is it captains? the N***o said. "I ain't done nothing. Fore God, Mr. John." (3.17)

Will addresses the men deferentially, as if they are his superiors. Since he calls John by name, we can assume they had a prior relationship. But, Will's race and his connection with a white woman in the rumor, is all that concerns McLendon now.

Quote #5

"There's not a N***o on the square. Not one." (4.4)

This comment is made by one of Minnie's friends when they are walking through town with Minnie on the way to the movies. This is at roughly the same time that Will is being abducted. The black community is terrified. Any member could face the same fate as Will easily, by some citizen of similar mind to McLendon.