Ella Enchanted Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We came to the parrot cages, my other favorite place. The birds spoke all the languages of the earth: human foreign tongues and the exotic tongues of Gnomic, Elfian, Ogrese, and Abdegi (the language of the giants). I loved to imitate them, even though I didn't know what they were saying. (6.30)

Why thank you, Ella, for that handy introduction to the languages we'll be encountering in this book. Such a considerate main character.

Quote #2

I hesitated. It was one thing to imitate parrots for Simon or to speak to a baby. (7.30)

It's true, parrots are no Rosetta Stone. Ella may know she's pretty awesome when it comes to languages, but she's also aware of her own limitations. Good for her!

Quote #3

She started to teach me right then. Once heard, always remembered is the way with languages and me. By the end of an hour I was forming short sentences. Areida was delighted. (9.48)

There goes Ella demonstrating her genius with languages again. This time there's a bonus: she's making a friend while she's at it.