Ella Enchanted Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Although I suspected Father wanted me to wear another mourning gown, I put on the frock Mother liked best. (3.8)

Another example of Ella's small rebellions when ordered to do something but not something specific. In this case, the choice reflects her closeness with her mother—the only part of her life that was free of coercion.

Quote #2

"If she'd left the hair in my curing soup, she'd be well today." (4.7)

By removing the unicorn hair from Mandy's soup, Ella's mother essentially chose not to live—or at least to sicken to the point where she might die. We have to wonder why she would make that choice given how luxurious a life she was living. Maybe it had something to do with how much of a jerk her husband was. (Or, you know, maybe she didn't know how sick she was.)

Quote #3

"I'll go to finishing school." I couldn't help adding, "But I shall loathe it." (5.38)

Typical Ella rebellion: she'll do things if she must, but unless ordered to enjoy them, she sure isn't going to like it.