Emma Resources

Movie or TV Productions

Emma, starring Gwyneth Paltrow as Emma.

It’s starring Gwyneth Paltrow. Do we need to say anything more?

Emma, starring Kate Beckinsale as Emma

Even without Gwyneth, IMDB folks seem to like this version better. Check it out and let us know!

Clueless, starring Alicia Silverstone as Cher Horowitz (Emma)

Clueless is a classic. OK, so Emma is a classic, too, but only Clueless will give you Mr. Knightley as a teen heartthrob in early-nineties flannel.

Emma (BBC), starring Doran Godwin as Emma

If it’s BBC, it has to be good. The accents alone are worth a download.


Emma on YouTube
Find your twelve-part Emma movie fix here!


Jane Austen

What? You wanted a digital photo??

Jane Austen Action Figure

It’s too good to be true…


"Jane Austen" by Virginia Woolf
One of the major modernist writers reflects upon Jane Austen’s work and her influence on British literature.


Emma Online

You can find Project Gutenberg’s online text of Emma here.

Austen Fan Clubs

Are you an Austen nut? Do you want to be? Here’s all the tools you need…

Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA)

Buy all your Jane Austen wares here!

12 Life Lessons You Can Learn from Jane Austen

You never knew Emma would serve you so well, did you?


Jane Austen's World Blog

Fun for teachers and students. Yeah, that's right.