Esperanza Rising The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Esperanza bent closer to look at the stems rooted in mulch [...] Now, if they bloomed she could drink the memories of the roses that had known Papa. (8.22)

Esperanza thinks of Papa's roses as a physical connection to her father and her old life. Because they were transported from her old home to her new, they're a pretty powerful symbol, don't you think?

Quote #8

Mama looked at Esperanza. "Didn't I tell you that Papa's heart would find us wherever we go?" (8.27)

Mama reassures Esperanza that Papa will always be with them, no matter where they go. With his memory, they can make a home anywhere they want to—or need to.

Quote #9

Then she looked around the room as if seeing it for the first time. One of the table legs was uneven and had to be propped by a piece of wood so it wouldn't wiggle. The walls were patched and peeling. The floor was wood plank and splintery and no matter how much she swept, it never looked clean. The dishes were chipped and the blankets frayed and no amount of being could remove their musty smell. (10.73)

Esperanza's new house is a far cry from the beautiful mansion that she used to call home. Take a minute and draw a picture of each of the two houses—what's the most striking difference?