Esperanza Rising Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Esperanza felt like she had failed Mama in some way and wanted to make it up to her. Mama had been strong for her. Now it was her turn to be strong for Mama. She must show her that she didn't need to worry anymore. (10.24)

Up until this point, Mama has been the strong, determined one. Now Esperanza feels it's her turn to take on the responsibility of leading the family. This is a major turning point for our girl—dare we say it's the climax of the story?

Quote #8

Josefina had told Esperanza that if she was a good worker, the bosses would not concern themselves with her age, so she knew she had to work hard. (10.49)

Remember, Esperanza is only thirteen years old. Thirteen! And her age is yet another obstacle that she has to overcome.

Quote #9

Esperanza thought of Mama in the hospital and Abuelita in Mexico and how much depended on her being able to work. If she was lucky enough to have a job in the spring, no one was going to get in her way. (10.66)

Esperanza's determination to work and accomplish her goal of bringing Abuelita to the United States is fierce. As a result, she's not willing to join the protesters. Do you think she's making the right decision?