E.T. Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

Quote #7

MICHAEL: Where's the playground?

ELLIOTT: It's near the preschool!

MICHAEL: Where's that?

ELLIOTT: I don't know streets! Mom always drives me!

MICHAEL: Son of a b****.

Look: Michael and Elliott may have commandeered a federal vehicle, but they're still kids.

Quote #8

ELLIOTT: He's a man from outer space, and we're taking him to his spaceship.

GREG: Well, can't he just… beam up?

ELLIOTT: This is reality, Greg.

Duh, Greg. The matter-of-factness of Elliott's explanation, as well as Greg accepting it wholesale, reflect their youth. It also shows a change in the power structure. Up until this point in the film, Greg (and all of Michael's friends) treated Elliott like a pain in the butt. Now Greg's in the annoying little brother position.

Quote #9

ELLIOTT: I'll believe in you all my life. Everyday. E.T., I love you.

We're not crying. We just have some dust in our eyes. While we work that out, chew on this: What do you think Elliott means when he says he'll believe in E.T.?