Interview with Eurydice

Interview with Eurydice

Shmoop investigators recently discovered that the gods of ancient Greece actually invented Twitter—who would have guessed?—and they've only recently allowed mortals to use it. Below, you will find a thread on Eurydice's account, which documents the entire tale of Orpheus and Eurydice. So, you tell us: is it myth or reality?

Eurydice's Twitter Account:

Tree_Hugger_3 Eurydice
Today's the day I marry Orpheus. How could I be so lucky?! #ilovemyboo

Epic Lady Calliope
You're beautiful! Can't wait to be your mother-in-law. Orpheus is a lucky boy.

Lyreboy Orpheus
So lucky. You are perfect, Eurydice.

Sureshot Eros
Looks like I did a pretty good job this time, huh? #iknowirock

Bornfromfoam Aphrodite
I think this one was my idea. #iknowirock

Tree_Hugger_3 Eurydice
A little nervous... I wish my birth tree could uproot itself and be here to hold my hand. #freakingout

Barkbark Oak Tree
You are my spirit, Eurydice. We're always together. You're the best dryad a tree could ask for. I'm crying sappy tears right now! I love you!

Tree_Hugger_3 Eurydice
I'm married! It's done! I'm so happy! Orpheus is playing his lyre! Everybody's dancing! Nymphs! Satyrs! Gods! Goddesses! Animals! Rocks! TREES!

Wineguy99 Dionysus
This. Is. A. Serious. P.A.R.T.Y. #lovinglife

Lyreboy Orpheus
Every song's for you, Eurydice.

Tree_Hugger_3 Eurydice
What happened?! It's so dark. I'm on the bank of a river... a swampy river. Who are all these people? Wait.. .are they ghosts? Am I dead? NO! What happened? What happened? I got married, and I was sooo happy. And then I was dancing? Picking flowers? Was there a satyr? Aristaeus? Was I chased? I can't remember... WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!?!?! #helpme

Scissor_Sister Atropos
You got bit by a snake and died. Painfully. Insert cackle. #stinkstobeyou

Wishingforspring Persephone
There's no need to be mean about it. You Fates are so cruel.

Lyreboy Orpheus
I'm coming for you, Eurydice. I played a song so sad that the gods and animals and rocks and trees cried. The gods told me to come for you, and I'm coming. We'll prove it for good: love conquers all! #ilovemyboo

Tree_Hugger_3 Eurydice
I love you, Orpheus. Nothing can keep us apart!

Sureshot Eros
Now that's what I call determination.

Bornfromfoam Aphrodite
I'm crying. I'm really crying right now.

Tree_Hugger_3 Eurydice
Is it possible that Charon, the Boatman, just tried to get my number? I'm in Hell! #helpme

Dark King Hades
No, it's Hades. Don't mix your mythologies. #itshadesnothell

Tree_Hugger_3 Eurydice
Hurry, Orpheus. I'm miserable without you. I need your music in my life.

Lyreboy Orpheus
I'm so close. I just put Cerberus to sleep with my special sleepy dog lyre song. P.S. Charon tried to get my number, too.

Boatman Charon
What's so wrong with me? #lookingforlove

Tree_Hugger_3 Eurydice
Success! Orpheus played a song so beautiful that Persephone and even Hades cried. Hades is letting me go back to the land of the living with Orpheus, as long as he doesn't look back at me until we step into the sunlight. Easy, right?

Scissor_Sister Atropos
We'll see about that.

Tree_Hugger_3 Eurydice
I can almost see the sun! We're so close! ☺

Lightbright Apollo
Yay, me! #iknowirock

Eternal Flame Helios
NO ME! #iknowirock

Tree_Hugger_3 Eurydice
Orpheus looked back. Sadness. Immense. All consuming. Sadness.

Deathitself Thanatos
This even makes me sad. #evendeathissad

Scissor_Sister Atropos
Insert cackle.