Evidence of Evolution True or False

1. Inheritance of acquired characteristics and natural selection are both -> Proposed mechanisms of evolution
2. Geology provides evidence for evolution in all of the following ways: -> It establishes the great antiquity of the earth
3. The Principle of Faunal Succession established that the same animals tend to show up in the same order in the fossil record. This discovery was important because -> It helped scientists to correlate stratigraphic layers from different sites based on the types of fossils present
4. Biogeography is -> The study of the distribution of organisms on earth
5. Which of the following statements is true about homologous structures? -> They always serve the same function
6. How are rudiments and vestigial structures alike? -> Both are present only in embryonic stages of development
7. Genetic sequence data shows that two alien species (let's call them A and B) share 94% of their DNA with each other, and a third alien species (C) shares only 75% of its DNA sequences with the first two. From this information, you conclude: -> Species A and B share a more recent common ancestor with each other than either shares with C
8. The phrase "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" is incorrect because -> All of the above
9. Which of the following are analogous structures? -> Wings in birds and bats
10. Proponents of intelligent design believe that -> A supernatural being can interfere with natural events
