Fallen Angels Events Quotes

Chapter 1

What I was thinking about was that I had to get up every morning and dry the clothes I had washed the night before by putting them on the oven door, to have something to wear to high school. How wa...

Chapter 2

I was scared. My mouth was going dry and I could see that Peewee was scared, too. Jenkins was crying. It made me feel a little better to see him crying like that. (2.134)

Chapter 3

As I ran around that day I could hear Mrs. Liebow's words echo in my ears. "You have to get out of yourself, Perry," she had said. "You're too young to be an observer in your own life." (3.112-113)

Chapter 4

The neat pile of body bags was waiting for the rest of us. There were enough there—the supply clerk had reached for the top one without even looking—to know that they expected that many of us w...

Chapter 5

"Yo, Peewee!""What?""We get back to the base, remind me to memorize a prayer." "I know one," Peewee said. "What is it?""Flying into combat, 'bout to have a fit, Lord, if you listenin', Please get m...

Chapter 8

We looked for the wounded. They were all over the place. The medics were so busy they were just tagging guys. The ones they thought they could save they worked on, the others they marked their woun...

Chapter 9

I noticed that lately there were things I would let myself think about, and things I wouldn't. But every once in a while things would come into my mind, not like a thought but like a picture, and I...

Chapter 11

We spent another day lying around. It seemed to be what the war was about. Hours of boredom, seconds of terror. (11.24)

Chapter 12

"This reminds me of a Harlem night," I said. "Sometimes the little apartment we lived in would be so hot you couldn't sleep for days." (12.35)

Chapter 13

I had gone through basic training just fine until the end when we had to go under live fire. The noises shook you, made you want to stop and hide. Now it was different. Now the sound swelled in my...

Chapter 14

"Like a trip to friggin' hell," Monaco said. "No, man, this is like the projects in Chicago," Peewee said. "The police can't protect your ass from the muggers and s***, and the muggers don't protec...

Chapter 15

I won thirty dollars in the football pool. I had Green Bay and a point total of forty-eight, which was closer than anybody else. I sent the money to Mama. (15.84)

Chapter 16

I thought about what Peewee had said. That I had better think about killing the Congs before they killed me. That had better be my reason, he had said, until I got back to the World. Maybe it was r...

Chapter 17

I got a letter from Kenny, too. He said he had a part-time job working at Kelly's Drugs on the corner of Lenox and 118th Street. For some reason I felt so proud of him, that he would do that. I jus...

Chapter 18

At his feet the soldier, still alive, was moaning in pain. I looked and saw that they had cut his finger off. I looked up into the face of the Cong soldier. He was young, no more than a teenager. H...

Chapter 20

I wished I had a wife and kids. I mean I really wished I had a wife and kids, somebody somewhere that loved me in a way I could look forward to going back to the World to. (20.61)

Chapter 21

Problem. It was nearly dark. The sides of the stream were clear for twenty to forty meters on both sides. On the side of the stream that we were on, away from the ridge, there was a rice paddy that...

Chapter 22

I sucked in the fresh air as hard as I could. The day was clear, the sky brilliant. There were fields of rice paddies before us and in one of them a Vietnamese farmer stood. He turned toward us, st...

Chapter 23

Monaco said he would come by in the morning before his plane left and say good-bye. He didn't. He left a note at the desk, and Celia gave it to me. It said that I had to wear a ring at his wedding....