Fallen Angels Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"My mother's a Baptist," I said. "She wouldn't go to a mojo lady."
"My mama's a Baptist, too, but she what you call a sore-feet Baptist. Your feets get sore enough, those mojo ladies start looking pretty good." (5.15-16)

Who doesn't need a foot rub from time to time, mojo or no mojo? Peewee's point is that your beliefs get more flexible depending on your need, and it actually applies to Perry. The more scared he gets in the book, the more he relies on religion for comfort. Too bad he didn't have a mojo lady nearby.

Quote #5

"Yo, Peewee!"
"We get back to the base, remind me to memorize a prayer."
"I know one," Peewee said.
"What is it?"
"Flying into combat, 'bout to have a fit, Lord, if you listenin', Please get me out of this s***!" (5.91-96)

If Perry isn't exactly religious, Peewee definitely isn't. Perry may want to pray but Peewee keeps calm by pulling out the jokes. If religion is one form of comfort, joking is another.

Quote #6

"You pray a lot when you in the World?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I prayed a lot," Brew said. "But, man, I didn't pray nowhere near as hard." (8.113-114)

Brew was always religious, but coming close to death definitely made him value his life more, and pray harder in response. Maybe Peewee wasn't around to tell him a joke.