Fallen Angels Visions of Vietnam Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The people were the same. Small, withered women, skin creased over onto itself; dark, life-weary eyes that had seen everything. (9.34)

This isn't exactly the most flattering picture of Vietnamese women. Why do you think they look that way to Perry? Could it be the lack of medical care they have access to? Or the lack of anti-aging beauty products—like, you know, sunscreen? How about the lack of a calm, comfy lifestyle that isn't shaped by violence, war, and suffering?

Quote #5

We slept in hooches that were surrounded by sandbags. There were vents on both ends, and sometimes they worked. Usually, though, the hooches were hot as anything. We had put straw and leaves on the roof of our hooch back at the base to keep the sun from baking us, but it didn't help that much. The huts that the Vietnamese lived in were made on bamboo frames and covered with woven bamboo slats and dried flat leaves. The joints weren't nailed. They were notched and tied with either rope or wire. Some of the huts had slats that could be adjusted to let the light in. They were cool enough inside, especially the ones with the high ceilings. (9.53)

In a game of Which Would You Rather, the Vietnamese hut would always win over the American-designed hooch. The huts have centuries of learning how to design for their native climate on their side. Sure, if you throw a luxury condo into the game, it might be a tougher choice between the hut and built-in air-conditioning.

Quote #6

The rice paddy seemed forever. The water was up past my ankles, and the stink was something else. (18.74)

Rice paddies: definitely not designed for wartime comfort. But imagine all the pho…