Cameron "Cam" Briel Quotes

"What about your faith in the power of transformation?" Cam asked, fingering the shed skin. "That's what we're here for, after all." (7.70)

While not exactly a religious moment, this scene between Cam and Luce has religious undertones—as well as mention of a snake, which is a clear Bible reference. Still skeptical? Let us break it down. They're in a sort of garden, Cam has just fed Luce an apple, and now he's holding a snakeskin. Garden of Eden, anyone? On top of that, Cam's question about transformation might have more to do with his hope that Luce will rewrite her love story and join his side instead of Daniel's, which is all the more sinister when we consider that by spending time with Cam, Luce doesn't really know what she's signing up for.

"Speaking of waiting for the right time," he said, "I was out the other day and saw this." He produced a small red velvet jewelry box and held it open for Luce to see.

Penn nudged around Luce's shoulder so she could get a look.

Inside, a think gold chain held a small circular pendant with a carved line down its middle and a small serpent head at the tip. (10.10-12)

More serpent imagery from Cam—surprise, surprise. This scene brings full circle how snakelike Cam really is: he's trying to charm Luce with trinkets, and while the idea of giving someone you like a gift is a nice gesture, the snake imagery is too much for us. #overit

"What about your faith in the power of transformation?" Cam asked, fingering the shed skin. "That's what we're here for, after all." (7.70)

Cam's words have a clear double meaning, especially given the imagery of him holding a snakeskin. He could even be alluding to Luce's entanglement in all of these events, given that he knows that she transforms every seventeen years into a new version of herself. But for now, Luce can infer that he's talking about transforming into a better person, one who doesn't have guilt crushing his or her conscience.