Exploration Quotes in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Mr. Scamander's work with the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau led to many research trips abroad, during which he collected information for his worldwide best-seller Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, now in its fifty-second edition. (1.1)

You can't write a book about the world of fantastic beasts sitting at home on your rear end. It's clear from the very first pages of this book that Newt Scamander has done the hard work of exploration to get the hard won wisdom that makes up this volume.

Quote #2

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them represents the fruit of many years' travel and research. I look back across the years to the seven-year-old wizard who spent hours in his bedroom dismembering Horklumps and I envy him the journeys to come: from darkest jungle to brightest desert, from mountain peak to marshy bog, that grubby Horklump-encrusted boy would track, as he grew up, the beasts described in the following pages. I have visited lairs, burrows, and nests across five continents, observed the curious habits of magical beasts in a hundred countries, witnessed their powers, gained their trust and, on occasion, beaten them off with my travelling kettle. (3.1)

Adventure is out there. Though Mr. Scamander doesn't go into in-depth detail about his adventures, it's clear that he's travelled far and wide (and probably been through some pretty tough scrapes). If you want the details, we're guessing you'll have to check out the big screen version of his life story.

Quote #3

The Demiguise is found in the Far East, though only with great difficulty, for this beast is able to make itself invisible when threatened, and can be seen only by wizards skilled in its capture. (12.1)

The Far East is a term that generally includes the Eastern side of the Asian continent. You can see a more detailed map here. It's a cool area to explore and, since a Demiguise somehow winds up with him in the movie version of Fantastic Beasts, we're guessing Newt Scamander has some pretty awesome adventures skillfully tracking the creature there.