A Farewell to Arms Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"We’re happy," Catherine said. "You’re a sweet Fergy." (34.58)

What’s the deal with Catherine and Fergy? Fergy loves her lots, in her old-fashioned way, wanting her to get married and everything. But does Catherine love Fergy? She is last mentioned, by Catherine, when she and Frederic are fleeing to Switzerland. But, since Frederic is the narrator, it’s hard to judge the two women’s relationship. This is Frederic’s memory and he might not even know if Catherine gets in touch with Helen. He sure won’t know if Catherine thinks about Helen. And even she tells him, he might not remember.

Quote #8

"Nonsense. Rowing in moderation is very good for the pregnant lady." (37.53)

We think it’s pretty brave and strong of Catherine to get in to a boat in the middle of the night, pregnant, not even complain, and even offer to help row.

Quote #9

"No, let it grow a little longer and I could cut mine and we’d be just alike only one of us blond and one of us dark." (38.143)

Catherine wants to literally "cut" through the outward appearance of gender difference.