Farm Implements and Rutabagas in a Landscape Resources


Popeye at Goon Island

A more recent version of the Popeye cartoon that features Olive, Swee'pea, and a trip to Goon Island to see the Sea Hag.

Popeye the Sailor

The first episode of Popeye the Sailor on television. He makes short work of an anchor with his huge forearm muscles.


The PennSound page devoted to Ashbery has lots and lots (and lots) of recordings, including "Farm Implements and Rutabagas in a Landscape."


John Ashbery

A portrait of John Ashbery looking into the camera.

A Rutabaga

This photo of a Swedish turnip, a.k.a. rutabaga, doesn't exactly make us start salivating.


A drawing of Popeye, who looks like he's about to go bust down a door.


Collected Poems, 1956-1987

John Ashbery is one of a handful of living writers to have his collected works published by the Library of America. It's a huge honor.

Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror

John Ashbery's most famous collection includes the poem "Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror" and several other classics.


Ashbery and MTV

The MtvU site dedicated to Ashbery, its first poet laureate.

McSweeney's: Sestinas

This online repository of sestinas written by modern poets includes such classics as "Ode to a Thin Mint" and "Attn: Humans Resources."

The official website of Popeye and his friends. You can find the whole story on the show and background on the characters in Ashbery's poem.