Follower Identity Quotes

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Quote #4

All I ever did was follow
In his broad shadow round the farm. (19-20)

Ultimately, the son realizes that he's not quite the same as his dad, and although it was probably good for the speaker to have his father as a positive role model in order to shape his own identity, he was never going to be the same man as his father, or even end up with the same job. Don't get all weepy on us now. The speaker's separate path is cool because it seems like he turned out to be an alright guy—good enough at least for his awesome dad to be following now.

Quote #5

[…] But today
It is my father who keeps stumbling
Behind me, and will not go away. (23-25)

Now that the speaker has grown up and figured out his own identity (at least somewhat, we suspect), he doesn't need to hang onto his father's coattails. In fact, it looks like his father has taken quite the shine to him. Isn't that nice (and… shiny)?