Fool for Love Theme of Power/Control

There are definitely a couple of control freaks running around in Fool for Love, namely Eddie and his dad (a.k.a. the Old Man). They both seem to want lots and lots of freedom to come and go as they please in their relationships, and they make up their own versions of past and present realities to suit their own needs—which is really the ultimate form of autonomy and control, right?

May is more than willing to call both men out on their faulty memories and abandonment-happy ways, which causes them a decent amount of angst throughout the play. That said, at the end of the day, Eddie and the Old Man seem to get their way… although whether or not they're in total control is open for debate.

Questions About Power/Control

  1. Does Eddie maintain total control of the situation with May? Why or why not? Is he in control at the end?
  2. How does Martin fit into the power dynamics/games between Eddie and May?
  3. Is May a control freak in any way? If so, how?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Eddie has totally lost control of the situation at the end of the story, which is why he runs out—not to be with the Countess (which would be status quo), but to get away from the whole crazy situation.

Eddie maintains total control over the relationship with May at the end—he leaves, and she follows, still totally under his spell.